🚀 Make it! artNXTlevel Challenge

Carl Atiya Swanson and Springboard for the Arts' Tool Kits

Season #1 Episode #43

Carl Atiya Swanson is Springboard for the Arts' Director of Movement Building, working on Creative Exchange, a national hub for stories and toolkits for artists and organizations to solve local challenges and create new opportunities. Swanson previously worked at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and founded Crown & Sparrow, a boutique communications consulting firm specializing in work with artists. He is a theater maker with Savage Umbrella, a company dedicated to creating new, relevant works of theater, and is on the board of the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network Twin Cities. Swanson holds a BA in Studio Art from the University of Southern California and an MBA from the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business.


50% Complete

Two Step

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