Welcome to 1-on-1 Emotional Wellness Sessions with Dr. Yanina Gomez

Unlock Your Full Potential with Personalized Coaching

Who is Dr. Yanina?

Dr. Yanina Gomez is an expert in mindset & emotional wellness, author, educator, and passionate speaker. With a PhD in Psychology and specialized training in the Internal Family Systems Model, Dr. Yanina is dedicated to fostering emotional wellness and professional growth. As Art NXT Level Academy co-founder, she offers extensive personal development and wellness expertise, specifically tailored for artists and creatives. She is the lead author of two books focused on overcoming self-sabotage and fostering strong family relationships.

What Can You Expect from Our Sessions?

Our one-on-one sessions address the unique challenges of artists struggling with mindset blocks, self-doubt, and a loud inner critic. By participating in our sessions, you will:

  • Identify and Overcome Emotional Obstacles: Recognize the inner critic undermining your efforts and learn strategies to counter negative thought patterns.
  • Build and Deepen Self-Confidence: Learn tools to boost or deepen your confidence, allowing you to share your art and ideas comfortably and proudly.
  • Live a Healthier Lifestyle: Learn practical solutions for fostering a healthy mindset and maintaining emotional wellness.

Session Details

  • Languages Offered: English and Spanish
  • Format: Individualized online discussions focusing on your specific challenges and goals.
  • Some of Topics Covered:
    • Overcoming mindset blocks and self-sabotage
    • Understanding and collaborating with your inner critic
    • Replacing negative thought patterns with positive ones
    • Strategies for building and strengthening self-confidence

What These Sessions Are Not

It's important to understand that these educational coaching sessions are:

  • Not counseling or therapy sessions.
  • Not for diagnosing or treating mental health illnesses or disorders.
  • Not covered by insurance. Please seek professional treatment if a formal diagnosis or ongoing treatment is required.


Understanding Our Services: One-Time Consulting vs. Coaching Package

  • One-Time Consulting Session
    A one-time consulting session with Dr. Yanina is designed to provide immediate, focused advice and guidance. This option is ideal for individuals who need specific, strategic insights or are seeking clarity on particular issues related to their emotional wellness.
  • Coaching Package (3 Sessions)
    The coaching package includes three sessions and is suited for individuals looking to improve their mindset and emotional health over time with accountability support. This package allows for a deeper exploration of your personal challenges and a more comprehensive development of coping strategies.

Examples of Topics for a One-Time Consulting Session vs. a Coaching Package (3 Sessions)


  • Assessment of Current Challenges: Quick exploration of a specific emotional obstacle you're facing that is hindering you from moving forward.
  • Mindful Strategies for Artist Talk: Insights on how to present yourself confidently, particularly if you have an upcoming artist talk or exhibition.

  • Initial Mindset Shifts: Tips on how to begin changing a particular negative thought pattern or behavior.
  • Strategies the Get You Unstuck: Immediate strategies to handle a stressor that is keeping you feeling stuck.


  • Comprehensive Emotional Wellness Planning: Developing a detailed plan to improve overall emotional health, including strategies to handle stress, anxiety, and self-doubt.
  • In-Depth Personal Growth: Exploration of different parts of oneself, identifying strategies to deepen self-confidence, and letting go of self-imposed labels.
  • Ongoing Coping Mechanisms: Building and refining coping strategies for long-term challenges such as chronic self-sabotage, persistent negative thinking, or insecurities.
  • Habit Change: Establishing and reinforcing new behavioral patterns, like improving discipline in artistic practice, shifting thought patterns, or changing interaction styles in personal relationships.

Choosing the Right Option

  • One-Time Consulting: Choose this if you seek guidance on a specific issue or immediate strategies to manage a particular situation.
  • Coaching Package: Opt for the package if you're seeking thorough exploration and sustained improvement in your wellness journey, requiring more extensive support and follow-up.

Both services aim to empower you to manage your inner critic better, build confidence, and foster a healthier mindset, but the depth and commitment of the engagement vary. Consider your immediate needs and long-term goals when choosing between these options.

Ready to Start Your Journey?

Join Dr. Yanina in transforming your life and art through emotional wellness. Embrace the opportunity to live fully with confidence and success. Book your session today!


"Mental health is important for artists. With Dr. Yanina and her guidance I have been able to keep a balance between emotions and creativity. Both are deeply interconnected. One can’t be without then other one. That’s why I appreciate what she has done for me and my mental balance."


“ I loved working with Yanina! Her ability to help me see the things that are going well and how to think about situations differently was extremely helpful. She reminded me to celebrate my accomplishments and helped me recognize the success I have already experienced as an artist. She is an excellent listener and has helped me gain confidence as an artist and I am very grateful for her insights. I highly recommend Dr. Yanina Gomez!”


Dra. Yanina guided me during times when I felt unfocused. Thanks to her experience and calm demeanor, I was able to better organize my life as an artist. She and Sergio make a great team, and their program is the perfect place to find valuable information for any artist. Many thanks!

Choose The Option That Works Best For You



One Session

  • Duration: A 60-minute session.
  • Focus: Address a specific challenge or question you have.

  • Outcome: Receive practical advice and strategies that you can immediately implement.

  • Ideal for: Those who need quick insights or are new to emotional wellness coaching and want to experience the benefits before committing to more sessions.

If you are a member of the Art NXT Level program, you can enjoy a special discounted price of $175 by clicking HERE.




Three Sessions

  • Duration: Three 60-minute sessions spread over several weeks.

  • Focus: A series of structured discussions to deeply explore and address your ongoing challenges.

  • Outcome: Develop a detailed, personalized plan for achieving emotional wellness and overcoming mental blocks. Continuous support and adjustment of strategies based on your evolving needs.

  • Ideal for: Those who are committed to making significant progress in their personal or professional life and prefer ongoing support.

If you are a member of the Art NXT Level program, you can enjoy a special discounted price of $575 by clicking HERE.




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