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Embracing the Abundance Mindset: Thriving as an Artist

Jun 07, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Years ago, I stumbled upon a concept that completely transformed my artistic journey: the scarcity vs. abundance mentality. It opened my eyes to two distinct mindsets that artists can adopt, each with its own profound impact on our creative lives.

The Scarcity Mindset: Fear and Isolation

In the world of art, the scarcity mindset can be all too familiar. It's the belief that everyone is out to steal from us, that we must guard our knowledge and connections at all costs. We may even think that others should go through the same struggles we did, fearing that someone might surpass us on this artistic voyage. It's a mindset rooted in fear, isolation, and a constant need to protect what's ours.

The Abundance Mindset: Sharing and Collaboration

But then, there's the alternative—the abundance mentality. This is the mindset I wholeheartedly embrace. Instead of hoarding our knowledge and experiences, we believe in sharing them generously. We understand that when we lift...

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Reigniting Your Creative Spark: Reclaiming Inspiration and Overcoming Burnout

May 30, 2023

Listen to the podcast or read the article below by Dr. Yanina Gomez

For artists, the journey of creation is often fueled by passion and a desire to share their unique visions with the world. However, amidst the pursuit of their artistic endeavors, burnout can creep in, dimming the creative spark and hindering the joy of creation. To prevent burnout from overshadowing your artistic journey, it is essential to implement strategies that nurture your well-being and reignite your inspiration.

In this blog post, I'm sharing 2 practical tips to help you avoid burnout and two tips to help you overcome burnout so that you can reclaim your creativity, and rediscover the joy in your artistic pursuits. Let's start with 2 tips for avoiding burnout. 

Tip 1: Prioritize Self-Care and Mindful Restoration

As an artist, I bet you often push yourself relentlessly, dedicating countless hours to perfecting your skills. Many artists do! However, neglecting...

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