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The Art of Attracting Collectors: From Hunter to Planter Mentality

Jun 21, 2023

How can artists attract art collectors and build a sustainable career?

By Sergio Gomez

Let me share a personal story that might just change the way you think about finding art collectors. Like many of you, I used to constantly ask myself, "How do I find art collectors?" It was a question that seemed both daunting and frustrating, as if I were a hunter desperately seeking elusive prey. But let me tell you, my friends, that question led me down a path of disappointment and uncertainty.

Asking the Wrong Question

As an emerging artist, I thought my job was to go out and find collectors wherever they might be hiding. I believed they were playing a game of hide-and-seek, and it was up to me to uncover their secret locations. But the more I searched, the more discouraged I became. It was a never-ending cycle of frustration.

Shifting the Perspective

It took me years, as I grew and matured as an artist, to realize that I had been asking the wrong question all along. The real question...

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