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Embracing Ambition and Drive as an Artist

Sep 26, 2023

How can I overcome resistance to change and boost my artistic growth and success?

In my one-on-one coaching sessions with artists, I've had the incredible opportunity to dive deep into the heart of creativity and the challenges that often come with it. It's an intimate space where we explore the uncharted territories of your artistic journey. But here's the thing, my friends – sometimes, there's resistance when it comes to change. And let's be real, who really enjoys change? ‍‍

The Power of Tough Questions

Yet, it's during these moments of resistance that we ask the tough questions, the ones that have the potential to transform our paths. Questions that are like a compass guiding us towards our true creative potential. Questions like, "How much do you really want this?"

I'm not just asking about desire; I'm asking about your ambition. Your burning, unstoppable ambition. Think about it – are you satisfied with small efforts and modest results, or are you...

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Embracing the Power of Small Wins: A Reminder for Artists

Aug 18, 2023


How can celebrating small wins benefit my artistic journey?

We're all familiar with the feeling of accomplishment that comes from landing a major art show, making a sale, or receiving a coveted award. These are the moments that we eagerly share with the world, and rightfully so. They're the milestones that stand as a testament to our dedication and talent. But in our pursuit of these big wins, let's not overlook the quiet yet mighty force of small victories.

The Ripple Effect of Progress

Think about it – those little triumphs, the ones that might seem like mere blips on the radar, actually carry substantial weight. It's like saving up small change; before you know it, you've accumulated something substantial. Unlike those occasional big wins that make grand entrances, these small victories occur regularly, quietly building momentum beneath the surface.

The Danger of Neglecting the Small

It's tempting to dismiss these small successes in favor of holding out for the...

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Embrace Mondays and Release Your Creative Force: A Guide for Artists

Jul 03, 2023

How can I stay motivated and focused on my art career?

If you've ever found yourself dreading Mondays, I have a little secret to share with you. Lean in closer—I love Mondays, and let me tell you why.

Carefully Aiming Your Bow

Mondays are like that moment when you carefully align your bow, preparing to take aim at your target. It's the start of a new week, a blank canvas waiting to be filled with your artistic endeavors. So, embrace this day with open arms and an adventurous spirit.

Shooting Arrows at Your Goals

As the week unfolds, it's time to unleash your arrows—one after another—with unwavering determination. Each arrow represents a step toward your dreams, and Mondays give you the opportunity to set your sights on a specific target.

Visualizing Your Goals

Take a moment after the weekend's respite to visualize what you want to achieve during the week. What is your number one goal? What's that one target you must hit? Imagine it clearly, feel the excitement...

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