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Embracing Your Self-Worth as an Artist: Pricing Your Art

May 31, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

As artists, we all know the struggle of putting a price tag on our creations. It's one of the most challenging aspects of our journey. How do we determine the value of the art we've poured our heart and soul into? At first glance, the idea seems ridiculous. But let me assure you, my fellow artists, we've all experienced this dilemma at the start of our art careers.

The Constant Questions

As we grow and mature in our artistic endeavors, the same questions continue to haunt us. When should we raise our prices? How should we charge now compared to a year or two ago? These questions are valid, and they reflect our desire to navigate the art market with confidence and fairness.

Starting with Self-Worth

Today, I want to discuss a vital starting point in this pricing conundrum: self-worth. Step one is to believe wholeheartedly that what we offer as artists holds tremendous value. It's time to silence those nagging voices of doubt and truly embrace the fact that our...

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