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The Power of Saying No: Empowerment in Your Artistic Journey

Jul 07, 2023


How can I navigate the challenges of balancing opportunities and time commitments in my art career?

I have a confession to make. It's hard for me to say no. I'm naturally a "yes" kind of guy. When someone asks me to do something, I find it difficult to turn them down. But here's the thing: saying yes always comes at the expense of something else. Every time you choose to do something, you're inevitably choosing not to do something else. It's a trade-off we often overlook in the pursuit of artistic growth.

The Growing Artistic Journey: An Influx of Requests

As our art careers flourish and our connections in the art world multiply, we find ourselves being asked to participate in various projects and events. It's both exciting and overwhelming. Opportunities knock at our doors, presenting us with chances to make a difference, to contribute our talents to noble causes. Take, for instance, when a non-profit organization reaches out, requesting a donation of our artwork for their...

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Embrace Mondays and Release Your Creative Force: A Guide for Artists

Jul 03, 2023

How can I stay motivated and focused on my art career?

If you've ever found yourself dreading Mondays, I have a little secret to share with you. Lean in closer—I love Mondays, and let me tell you why.

Carefully Aiming Your Bow

Mondays are like that moment when you carefully align your bow, preparing to take aim at your target. It's the start of a new week, a blank canvas waiting to be filled with your artistic endeavors. So, embrace this day with open arms and an adventurous spirit.

Shooting Arrows at Your Goals

As the week unfolds, it's time to unleash your arrows—one after another—with unwavering determination. Each arrow represents a step toward your dreams, and Mondays give you the opportunity to set your sights on a specific target.

Visualizing Your Goals

Take a moment after the weekend's respite to visualize what you want to achieve during the week. What is your number one goal? What's that one target you must hit? Imagine it clearly, feel the excitement...

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Discover The Power of Personal Declarations in Your Art Career

Jun 28, 2023

How can personal declarations empower artists on their creative journey?

Do you believe in personal declarations? I must admit, it wasn't always a concept that resonated with me. Throughout most of my life, I've carried a positive attitude, firmly believing that everything happens for a reason and that the glass is always half full. But it wasn't until I met the love of my life, Dr. Yanina, that I truly discovered the magic behind personal declarations.

"I'm an Artist on a Mission": The Birth of a Powerful Statement

Over the past six years, my artistic journey has taken me on an incredible path of self-discovery. I've gone from crafting a long list of empowering statements to condensing it all into a single, mighty declaration. You might have even heard me say it before: "I'm an artist on a mission."

This simple phrase encompasses all my wishes, goals, and aspirations. It serves as a daily reminder of the purpose that drives me forward, inspiring me to seize each day with passion...

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Embracing Courage: A Personal Message to Artists

Jun 27, 2023

How can artists overcome fear and embrace courage in their creative process?

As artists, we all have that vivid memory of our early days—the days when courage flowed through our veins like an unyielding current. I can't help but take a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reminiscing about the time when I, too, possessed that unbridled fearlessness within my studio. Back then, I approached my artistic endeavors with unwavering determination, unafraid to start over on a colossal painting or take scissors to a canvas to create an audacious collage. The pursuit of finding my voice and style knew no bounds. It was a time when the world's expectations felt distant, and my youthful naivety shielded me from fear's grip.

The Evolution of an Artist

As the years passed, and I matured both as an artist and as a person, I couldn't help but notice a shift within myself. The once unyielding courage seemed to waver, and the risks I once took with ease became harder to embrace. Cutting a painting...

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Brush Off & Rise Up: Reframing Rejection as an Artist

Jun 26, 2023

Let’s talk about something that’s as common in the art world as paint on a canvas – REJECTION. Even the word sounds a bit harsh, doesn’t it? But here's the deal: rejection is like those pesky sidekicks we never asked for, but they still tag along. So, how do you as an artist can dodge the daggers of rejection without losing your motivation? Buckle up, because we’re going on a roller coaster ride of emotions and learning how to get off feeling unbeaten!

1. First things first: It’s not YOU!

Listen up. A rejection doesn’t mean you're the human equivalent of a wilted flower. It just means that your piece wasn’t the right fit for that particular opportunity. Maybe the timing was off, or perhaps they were looking for something else. Don't tie your self-worth to acceptance or rejection. You are more than that - don't forget that! 

2. Build Your Tribe

Do you know what makes dealing with rejection easier? Having a bunch of cool cats...

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Embracing the In-Between: A Season of Waiting and Learning as an Artist

Jun 14, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Hey there, fellow artists! Today, I want to share with you a season I'm currently experiencing - a season of waiting. You know that feeling, right? It's that in-between phase of life where things are uncertain and the answers seem far away. As I sit here writing this message, I find myself anxiously waiting for our big move from the bustling streets of Chicago to the vibrant shores of Miami. Let me tell you, relocating my home, studio, and gallery businesses has turned into quite the journey.

In the Art World, Waiting is Part of the Journey

Now, let's talk about those waiting seasons in our art careers. Maybe you're eagerly anticipating the outcome of a show you entered, or perhaps you're anxiously checking your inbox for news about a residency program you applied to. It could even be that you're waiting for a response to an email you sent to a gallery. We've all been there, my friends, and it's during these waiting periods that we often find ourselves learning the...

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Time Capsule of Creativity: A Journey Through Artistic Chapters

Jun 13, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Today, I want to share a personal experience that recently took me on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. As I was tidying up my studio, I stumbled upon a hidden treasure—a box of slides containing my art, neatly organized in binders. It was like stumbling upon a time capsule of my creative journey.

A Glimpse into the Past

Curiosity consumed me, and I couldn't resist the urge to revisit those early days when I was immersed in the world of art school. With sheets in hand, I held them against the light, peering into the rich hues and intricate details of those paintings from the early 90s. It was an incredible experience, like rediscovering a part of myself that had been quietly tucked away.

The Threads That Connect

As I immersed myself in these visual time capsules, something remarkable happened. I noticed that some of the artistic elements I use in my work today had their origins in those early paintings. It was a powerful realization that my creative evolution...

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Embracing the Abundance Mindset: Thriving as an Artist

Jun 07, 2023

By Sergio Gomez

Years ago, I stumbled upon a concept that completely transformed my artistic journey: the scarcity vs. abundance mentality. It opened my eyes to two distinct mindsets that artists can adopt, each with its own profound impact on our creative lives.

The Scarcity Mindset: Fear and Isolation

In the world of art, the scarcity mindset can be all too familiar. It's the belief that everyone is out to steal from us, that we must guard our knowledge and connections at all costs. We may even think that others should go through the same struggles we did, fearing that someone might surpass us on this artistic voyage. It's a mindset rooted in fear, isolation, and a constant need to protect what's ours.

The Abundance Mindset: Sharing and Collaboration

But then, there's the alternative—the abundance mentality. This is the mindset I wholeheartedly embrace. Instead of hoarding our knowledge and experiences, we believe in sharing them generously. We understand that when we lift...

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Embracing Rejection: A Personal Journey for Artists

Jun 06, 2023

By Sergio Gomez 

It's Okay to Feel Sad

When that rejection letter lands in our inbox or the news of another missed opportunity reaches our ears, it's okay to feel sad. It's okay to acknowledge the disappointment, the frustration, and even a sense of loss. After all, we're human, and our art is an extension of ourselves. It's natural to invest our hopes and dreams in the opportunities we pursue.

Don't Dwell, Rise Above

But here's the secret: while it's okay to feel those emotions, we shouldn't dwell in that space for too long. We must rise above the initial sting of rejection and reclaim our artistic power. Remember, one rejection does not define our worth or the quality of our work. It's merely a detour on our journey—a chance to grow, learn, and evolve.

My Personal Experience

As an artist, curator, and entrepreneur, I've encountered more rejections than I care to remember. Yet, I don't keep track of them, nor do I hold resentment towards those who have said "no" to...

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Reigniting Your Creative Spark: Reclaiming Inspiration and Overcoming Burnout

May 30, 2023

Listen to the podcast or read the article below by Dr. Yanina Gomez

For artists, the journey of creation is often fueled by passion and a desire to share their unique visions with the world. However, amidst the pursuit of their artistic endeavors, burnout can creep in, dimming the creative spark and hindering the joy of creation. To prevent burnout from overshadowing your artistic journey, it is essential to implement strategies that nurture your well-being and reignite your inspiration.

In this blog post, I'm sharing 2 practical tips to help you avoid burnout and two tips to help you overcome burnout so that you can reclaim your creativity, and rediscover the joy in your artistic pursuits. Let's start with 2 tips for avoiding burnout. 

Tip 1: Prioritize Self-Care and Mindful Restoration

As an artist, I bet you often push yourself relentlessly, dedicating countless hours to perfecting your skills. Many artists do! However, neglecting...

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