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Mastering Trust: A Crucial Key to Success in Your Art World Journey

Nov 15, 2023

Stepping into the spellbinding world of art, one lesson stands out like a masterpiece in an empty gallery: trust. It's the lifeblood of collaboration, the intangible force that infuses our creative journey with purpose.

Trusting the Artistic Partnership

As an artist who took the courageous step into gallery ownership, I discovered firsthand that trust is the currency of our realm. It's not a fleeting emotion but the foundation upon which our dreams are built. Imagine the relationship with a gallery as a canvas awaiting your art. It's not something that happens overnight; instead, it's a masterpiece constructed stroke by stroke.

You trust the gallery to believe in your vision, to champion your art with the same fervor you hold. Simultaneously, the gallery trusts you to weave your magic on their canvas, delivering your finest work punctually. Trust isn't granted; it's nurtured, like a budding work of art.

As Fragile as Precious Artifacts

But here's the intriguing part: trust in the...

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The Art of Attracting Collectors: From Hunter to Planter Mentality

Jun 21, 2023

How can artists attract art collectors and build a sustainable career?

By Sergio Gomez

Let me share a personal story that might just change the way you think about finding art collectors. Like many of you, I used to constantly ask myself, "How do I find art collectors?" It was a question that seemed both daunting and frustrating, as if I were a hunter desperately seeking elusive prey. But let me tell you, my friends, that question led me down a path of disappointment and uncertainty.

Asking the Wrong Question

As an emerging artist, I thought my job was to go out and find collectors wherever they might be hiding. I believed they were playing a game of hide-and-seek, and it was up to me to uncover their secret locations. But the more I searched, the more discouraged I became. It was a never-ending cycle of frustration.

Shifting the Perspective

It took me years, as I grew and matured as an artist, to realize that I had been asking the wrong question all along. The real question...

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