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On the Next Level: Justin Vasey

anl community Mar 30, 2022

On the Next Level is a series of interviews that features artists of the Art Nxt Level academy. The artists share their stories of how the academy has impacted their careers as well as share the exciting projects they have been working on. These artists have made the most of their experience and have taken their careers to the next level. In this interview, lover of color Justin Vasey gives a glimpse of what's next for his artistic endeavors. 

It’s safe to say that you love color. Your Pantone series is about to reach its one year mark. These small paintings pack a punch of delight and are never boring to look at. Do you plan to continue growing your Pantone series? 

Justin: Thank you, I do plan on painting more Pantone cards just not everyday. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since I started. I am happy I committed to that project. I learned a lot about movement, trusting myself, and color.

The abstracted landscapes from your Reflections series are captivating with their unique compositions, colors, and textures. Can similar themes be expected in an upcoming series? 

Justin: I think there are going to be similarities but also changes with growth and experimentation. 

In 2021 you were part of many group shows. Are there any shows coming up for you in the new year? What are your plans for the new year? 

Justin: I hope there will be more shows in the near future. Nothing solid yet. I am definitely open and applying to shows that seem like the right fit. 

When did you discover the Art Nxt Level Academy and how has it been able to give an edge to your art career? 

Justin: I joined Art Nxt Level around August of 2020. I had started following Sergio on Instagram and then joined the group. I was not prepared for how much help and information there would be. I don’t think I would be where I am today without joining. I was able to put structure to my art career along with meeting so many amazing artists. Sergio and Dr. Yanina have it set up to keep you progressing in any direction at any time. 

What about the way you approach your art career has changed since joining the academy? 

Justin: Structure. Being able to create and deal with the business side of being an artist. Learning how to do both and making choices that are right for both sides of that.

Do you have any additional thoughts or comments you would like to share concerning your various projects or Art Nxt Level? 

Justin: I am thinking out new projects and goals for myself this year. Art Nxt Level is an amazing community for working out possibilities with Sergio and fellow artists. I am always trying to grow new ideas.

Art Nxt Level is made up of artists from all over the world. Where are you located?

Justin: I am located in Marion, Iowa U.S.

To see more of Justin's work and stay up to date with his Pantone Series, follow the links below. 

Website: https://justinvaseyart.com/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jayvyo/


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