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Marybeth Rothman on Finding Her Voice and Conquering Social Media

Join host Sergio Gomez in an inspiring conversation with artist Marybeth Rothman on The Artist Next Level Podcast. Discover how Marybeth found her artistic style, conquered fears about marketing and social media, and gain insights into her upcoming solo exhibition. Explore her use of vintage photographs as inspiration for her captivating mixed media artworks. Don't miss this episode packed with artistic wisdom and inspiration from a Smithsonian Institution, National Portrait Gallery, Semifinalist in the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition 2022.


  • Uncovering your unique artistic style
  • Conquering fear and embracing marketing
  • Using vintage photographs as creative inspiration
  • Marybeth's upcoming solo exhibition 

Tune in to The Artist Next Level Podcast with Sergio Gomez and special guest Marybeth Rothman for an engaging conversation that will elevate your art career!

Marybeth's website: https://www.marybethrothman.com/

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