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How to Pitch Your Artwork to Interior Designers: Conversation with Amy Kartheiser [Podcast]

podcast Feb 24, 2023

Founder and Principal Amy Kartheiser (Amy Kartheiser Design) shares her expert tips on how to successfully pitch your artwork to interior designers. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this video will provide you with the insights and strategies you need to showcase your work and make a lasting impression. From understanding the market and preparing your portfolio, Amy covers great insight you do not want to miss. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your art to the next level.

About Amy Kartheiser Design: Residential interior design firm Amy Kartheiser Design (AKD) is a group of passionate design professionals who create layered spaces - interwoven with depth, detail and texture - that truly speak to each homeowner’s preferences and lifestyle. AKD champions the art of the mix by striking a measured balance between elegance and ease, seamlessly blending traditional elements, modern touches and global influences. Driven by founder Amy Kartheiser’s vision to bring happiness and warmth to the lives of others, AKD prioritizes compassion and forges strong relationships with clients, partners and the community with the spirit of giving back.

Visit AKD on the web: https://www.amykartheiserdesign.com

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