Embracing Silence: A Creative Revelation

Aug 22, 2023


How can I find inspiration and make progress in my art career amidst the chaos of daily life?

In the last few days, I've embarked on a journey of quiet reflection, and it's been nothing short of magical. You see, life has a way of getting loud – the endless notifications, daily chores, and the hustle and bustle can drown out the whispers of inspiration. But, guess what? Amidst this chaos, I found something extraordinary.

Silence, the Canvas of Imagination

When we intentionally embrace silence, it's like opening a door to a world of endless possibilities. I've realized that those moments of tranquility are when our minds can roam freely, conjuring up fresh ideas for paintings, projects, marketing, and beyond. It's where the magic truly happens!

Let's talk about your art career. It's a precious gem that deserves your time and commitment. In the frenzy of daily life and the ever-enticing world of social media, it's easy to lose track of where you're headed. But don't...

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Embracing the Power of Small Wins: A Reminder for Artists

Aug 18, 2023


How can celebrating small wins benefit my artistic journey?

We're all familiar with the feeling of accomplishment that comes from landing a major art show, making a sale, or receiving a coveted award. These are the moments that we eagerly share with the world, and rightfully so. They're the milestones that stand as a testament to our dedication and talent. But in our pursuit of these big wins, let's not overlook the quiet yet mighty force of small victories.

The Ripple Effect of Progress

Think about it – those little triumphs, the ones that might seem like mere blips on the radar, actually carry substantial weight. It's like saving up small change; before you know it, you've accumulated something substantial. Unlike those occasional big wins that make grand entrances, these small victories occur regularly, quietly building momentum beneath the surface.

The Danger of Neglecting the Small

It's tempting to dismiss these small successes in favor of holding out for the...

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Building Bridges in Your Art Career and Finding New Opportunities

Aug 15, 2023

How can I expand my art career and tap into new opportunities beyond my comfort zone?

Today, I want to chat about something that's been on my mind as I've been journeying through the breathtaking landscapes of the South of Florida. Picture this: loads of brides spanning over serene seas, intricate canals, and tranquil lakes. These bridges, these magnificent structures, got me thinking about our artistic journeys and how they can benefit from a touch of bridge-building magic. So, grab your metaphorical hard hats, because we're diving into the world of building bridges in your art career.

Bridging the Gap, Artistically and Strategically

As I marveled at those bridges, I couldn't help but draw parallels to our artistic ventures. Just as those bridges connect separate pieces of land, our art needs its own connectors – bridges that span the gap between our creativity and the world. That's right, artists are more than just creators; we're bridge makers. Our art serves as a link...

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Be Seen to Be Remembered as an Artist

Aug 14, 2023

How can I effectively promote my art and make sure I'm remembered in a crowded creative space?

When it comes to navigating the realm of art marketing, let's keep things refreshingly simple. Let's break it down together: Marketing's ultimate goal is as clear as daylight – it's all about being seen to be remembered. Yep, you heard that right! If your work isn't grabbing attention, it's bound to fade into the background. And let's be real, we're all after those thoughts – the ones that open doors to opportunities and introduce our art to enthusiastic admirers.

Your Art's 24/7 Presence

Here's an intriguing thought: even while you're catching up on your beauty sleep, your marketing game can be wide awake. How's that possible, you ask? Well, it's about showing up on your audience's radar consistently – through your vibrant social media posts, engaging emails, your cozy online hub, and yes, even in person from time to time.

Here's a nugget of inspiration: each time...

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Embrace the Power of Storytelling: A Personal Journey for Artists

Aug 04, 2023


How can I effectively market my art and connect with my audience?

Let's take a moment to travel back in time and recognize the timeless allure of storytelling. From the earliest days of humanity to the digital era we live in today, one activity has never lost its charm: storytelling. We're all familiar with the enchantment that takes hold when we sit in a movie theater, silencing our phones, and surrendering to a gripping tale on the big screen. Stories have the unique ability to captivate our minds and hearts, making us crave every clue, every twist, and every moment of the narrative.

The Artist's Journey - A Tale Worth Sharing

As artists, we often find ourselves wondering about the best ways to market our creations. In a world flooded with constant visual stimuli, how can we make our art stand out and touch the lives of others? The answer, my fellow artists, lies in the art of storytelling. Marketing is not just about promoting what we create; it's about sharing who we are...

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The Business of Art: Why Money Matters for Artists

Jul 25, 2023

Let's rewind the clock for a moment and take a trip down memory lane to our art school days. It feels like ages ago, doesn't it? Back then, we were passionately pursuing our creative dreams, fueling our souls with the magic of art. But one thing was curiously missing from our conversations – money.

Money, the Unspoken Taboo

Yes, you heard that right. Money was like a hushed secret in the art world. It was a big "no-no" topic that no one dared to touch upon. We were left to navigate the complexities of selling our art, managing our art business, and handling our finances all on our own. No wonder we felt lost.

Andy Warhol showed us that art and money are inseparable, like two sides of the same coin. Now, I've said it many times, and I'll say it again – art is not about money. It's about passion, emotions, and the sheer joy of creation. But here's the thing: to make the art that is not about money, we need financial resources. Money becomes the lever that opens doors to...

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From Studios to Kitchen Tables: Embrace Your Creative Space

Jul 18, 2023

How can I create great art without the perfect studio setup?

Have you ever found yourself lost in the pages of a book featuring artists in their studios? I certainly have. There's something utterly captivating about those visuals—the carefully curated spaces where creativity blooms. For me, it's not about reading the texts; it's about immersing myself in the pictures, exploring every nook and cranny. From the walls adorned with inspiration to the brushes strewn on the floor, these studios are like miniature laboratories of creative brilliance.

Don't Let Comparison Distract You

In today's world of social media, it's easy to fall into the comparison trap. You might look at those picture-perfect studios and feel a twinge of inadequacy. Perhaps you think your own space isn't big enough, lacks natural light, or falls short of the ideal setup you dream of. But here's the truth: those pictures shouldn't intimidate you. They shouldn't distract you from the wonders of what you can...

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Artistic Alchemy: Becoming an Opportunity Maker in Your Creative Journey

Jul 17, 2023

How can I actively create opportunities for myself as an artist?

Today, I want to dive into a topic that's close to our hearts—the way we perceive and approach opportunities. As creators, we all long for that breakthrough moment, a chance to showcase our talents and be recognized. But how exactly do we navigate the vast realm of opportunities? Let's explore three unique perspectives together.

Waiting for the Stars to Align: The Lure of Passive Expectation

There's a belief among some artists that opportunities should effortlessly land on our laps. We find ourselves waiting, hoping that fate will smile upon us and open the doors of success. It's the waiting game, the mentality of "I'll just sit here in my studio, and someday, something incredible will happen." While it's true that some opportunities may come knocking unexpectedly, relying solely on this approach can leave us feeling stagnant.

Becoming an Opportunity Hunter: Proactive Steps towards Success

Now, let's shift gears...

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Embracing Our Health Struggles, Inspiring Artists Everywhere

Jul 14, 2023

How can artists prioritize their well-being while pursuing their creative passions?


I wanted to take a moment to share a personal story with all of you. You see, I know firsthand the challenges that many artists face when it comes to living with illnesses, diseases, or other conditions that can impact our ability to create. For me, it's been a 16-year journey of grappling with vertigo – an inner ear malfunction that sends my world into a spin from time to time. It's a condition that comes and goes in seasons, and unfortunately, I find myself in the midst of one of those seasons right now.

The Genie in a Bottle Analogy

In coping with my vertigo, I've developed a unique perspective on my situation. I've come to affectionately call it the "Genie in a Bottle Syndrome." You know, like the genie from the Aladdin tales, except mine isn't granting any wishes. Instead, it barges into my life, disrupting my family time, studio work, and business endeavors. So, I've learned to put...

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Top Secrets of Successful Corporate Art Commissions with Shirley Williams [Podcast 353]

Jul 12, 2023

Welcome to Episode 353 of the Next Level Podcast, where hosts Drew Harris and Sergio Gomez sit down with Canadian painter Shirley Williams to unveil the top secrets of successful corporate art commissions. Shirley Williams, a renowned artist with nearly 30 years of experience, takes us behind the scenes and shares her valuable insights on working with corporate clients, meeting deadlines, navigating contracts, selecting materials, and much more.

Shirley Williams is celebrated for her captivating multi-layered abstract paintings, which draw inspiration from the organic rhythms of nature and the vibrant energy of colors. Her distinctive style has garnered international acclaim, with her work being exhibited across North America in prestigious solo and juried group exhibitions. Museums and commercial art galleries in Toronto, Detroit, Dallas, Austin, New York, San Francisco, and Naples have showcased her remarkable talent.

Notably, Shirley's artwork has found a home in major...

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