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Balancing Act: How to Thrive as an Artist Without Burning Out

Oct 30, 2023

If you've ever found yourself in a relentless pursuit of artistic excellence and productivity, you're not alone. Today, I'm excited to take you on a journey through the intricate dance of creativity and the serene embrace of silence. As artists, we're always seeking ways to enhance our craft and make the most of our time. Here's a glimpse into my own adventure.

The Quest for Creative Productivity

For the longest time, I've been on a quest for the ultimate time management strategies. I've scoured the web for productivity hacks, tried out countless apps, and devoured shelves of self-improvement books, all in pursuit of squeezing every drop of creative brilliance from my day. Can you relate to this relentless search for artistic perfection? Like you, I've been hungry for knowledge and eager to elevate my craft.

The Endless Exploration of Tactics

I've ventured down countless roads, from limiting my news consumption to ensuring I get my full 7 hours of rejuvenating sleep. I've...

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How to Identify and Boost Your Unique Talents for a Thriving Art Career

Oct 27, 2023

Embracing Your Unique Gifts as an Artist

I'm not much of a superhero movie enthusiast, but my kids certainly are. From a young age, my son was captivated by the world of Marvel and DC Comics characters and their epic stories. He'd excitedly narrate every detail about each hero and their extraordinary superpowers. Even now, at over 21 years old, he's still as passionate as ever, sharing stories about what makes these heroes so special. And I must confess, while keeping track of all those tales isn't my strong suit, I genuinely enjoy his enthusiasm.

Now, you might be wondering how this relates to your journey as an artist. Well, let me tell you— I firmly believe that as artists, we possess our very own set of superpowers, waiting to be unleashed. No, we may not be saving the universe like the heroes in blockbuster movies, but we certainly have something extraordinary to offer the world.

Your First Superpower: The Gift of Creation

Your first superpower is that of creation. You've...

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Cracking the Code: Maintaining Authentic Connections on Social Media

Oct 25, 2023

How can I maintain authenticity and meaningful connections on social media in a world that often feels superficial?

Do you ever feel like you're navigating a maze when it comes to promoting your work on social media? Perhaps you've shared the sentiment of a friend who once said, "I know you love it, but social media is not for me." Trust me; you're not alone. Even those of us who seem to thrive in this digital realm have our days of doubt. We wonder, "What is all of this for anyway? It feels superficial." But here's the thing - we keep coming back.

I'm here to share a little secret with you. I've discovered that there's a way to embrace social media without losing our authenticity. It's not about enjoying every moment or anxiously waiting to promote our art. Instead, it's about using this platform as a means to propel our art careers to new heights.

Reframing Our Mindset for Success

Let's talk about how we can reframe our mindset and find the true value in our social media efforts....

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Instagram: Celebrating Your Loyal Followers

Oct 24, 2023

 How can I strengthen my presence on Instagram and build a genuine, engaged following without obsessing over follower counts?

Do you ever find yourself anxiously chasing new followers on Instagram, or perhaps you've felt a bit down when your follower count doesn't seem to budge? It happens to the best of us, right? In the quest for new admirers, it's easy to overlook the loyal souls who've been with you from the beginning. But trust me, they're there – cheering you on, one post at a time.

Your 300 Followers: A Room Full of Support

Picture this: you have 300 followers. Seems like a modest number, right? But think about it – that's 300 individuals, real people, gathered in one virtual room just to be part of your creative journey. It's a crowd in itself, isn't it? 

The thing is, the pursuit of those flashy numbers can often overshadow the essence of the artistic community we've built. Those followers of yours, they know you by name, they appreciate your art, and...

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Embracing Ambition and Drive as an Artist

Sep 26, 2023

How can I overcome resistance to change and boost my artistic growth and success?

In my one-on-one coaching sessions with artists, I've had the incredible opportunity to dive deep into the heart of creativity and the challenges that often come with it. It's an intimate space where we explore the uncharted territories of your artistic journey. But here's the thing, my friends – sometimes, there's resistance when it comes to change. And let's be real, who really enjoys change? ‍‍

The Power of Tough Questions

Yet, it's during these moments of resistance that we ask the tough questions, the ones that have the potential to transform our paths. Questions that are like a compass guiding us towards our true creative potential. Questions like, "How much do you really want this?"

I'm not just asking about desire; I'm asking about your ambition. Your burning, unstoppable ambition. Think about it – are you satisfied with small efforts and modest results, or are you...

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From Isolation to Inspiration and Community: An Artist's Quest [Podcast]

Sep 21, 2023

Join us on a captivating solo episode hosted by artist Drew Harris as he takes you on a remarkable journey through the unexpected twists and turns of the pandemic era. In the midst of isolation and uncertainty, Drew's quest for inspiration led him to step outside his comfort zone and into the outside world.

Hailing from Canada but residing in Malaysia, Drew's artistic journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. The pandemic forced artists worldwide to adapt to new realities, and Drew was no exception. Seeking fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, he stumbled upon a video that would change the course of his creative path forever – Breakfast with Sergio.

Intrigued and captivated by Sergio's insights, Drew reached out to him, embarking on a journey of artistic collaboration and transformation. The story that unfolds is filled with surprising twists and turns that you won't want to miss. From exhibitions to becoming a collaborator in the Art NXT Level program, Drew's...

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The Power of Stepping Away from Your Art

Sep 21, 2023

How can I gain fresh insights and improve my art when I feel stuck or overwhelmed by the constant demands of my creative process and promotion?

 If you've ever found yourself immersed in the whirlwind of creative life – painting, marketing, and scrolling through countless art pieces on your phone – you're not alone. I've been there too, but recently, I stumbled upon something profound. Something that's been right under my nose but took a temporary step away from my studio to truly appreciate.

For the past few weeks, I've had to hit the pause button on my artistic endeavors due to an impending move. The chaos of packing and organizing has temporarily led me astray from my beloved canvas. At first, I missed my paints and brushes like an old friend, but then, something remarkable happened.

New Perspectives, Fresh Insights

As artists, we're often caught in the never-ending cycle of creating, promoting, and seeking inspiration. It's a beautiful but hectic dance that can...

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The Must-Have Page Your Artist Website Can't Afford to Miss

Sep 19, 2023

Have you ever wondered if there's something missing on your website, something that could truly connect you with your audience? Well, I've got a little secret to share with you today. It's all about the power of your artist story.

For years, I overlooked a simple yet crucial page on my website. I thought people were only interested in my art, so I focused on showcasing my work and sharing my achievements. But I was wrong.

Your Artist Story – A Different Perspective

One day, I decided to write something different, something personal – my artist story. This wasn't just another bio; it was like having a friendly chat over coffee. I shared my journey, the ups, the downs, and most importantly, how I overcame my biggest challenges.

I created a page called "My Story" on my website. To my surprise, year after year, it has become the most visited page on my site. It's been a game-changer for my artistic journey.

Why Does Your Artist Story Matter?

But why does your artist story...

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Acrylic and Acrylic Mediums with Expert Rhéni Tauchid [Podcast]

Sep 18, 2023

Join hosts Drew Harris and Sergio Gomez as they explore the captivating world of acrylic paint with Rhéni Tauchid, an acclaimed author, painter, and educator based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

In this engaging episode, Rhéni shares her journey from artist to author, materials consultant, and co-owner of Tri-Art Mfg. Inc. Rhéni's expertise shines as she discusses the versatility and possibilities of acrylic paint.

Her three books, including "Acrylic Painting Mediums & Methods," offer valuable insights for artists and enthusiasts alike. Discover the vibrant world of acrylics and acrylic mediums, gain inspiration, and learn from Rhéni's incredible story of artistic evolution.

Don't miss this insightful conversation with a true acrylic paint expert!

Artist Website: https://www.rhenitauchid.com 

Tri-Art Manufacturing: http://www.tri-art.ca

The books can be purchased via the following methods:

  • Art Noise: ...
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The Art of Naming Your Art

Sep 18, 2023


How can I come up with a meaningful title for my artwork?

When I sit down to start a new painting, there's one thing I'm sure of—I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to call it. In fact, 99% of the time, I'm in the dark about the title. It's a blank canvas in every sense of the word. But that's where the magic begins.

Sometimes, though, that elusive title decides to show up early, taking the lead in the creative process. It's that remarkable 1% of the time when the title becomes the guiding star.

The Significance of a Title

Now, let's talk about titles. What's in a title, you ask? Well, if you ask me, there's a world of meaning behind it. We live in a world where every work of art needs a title. It's not just about giving your masterpiece an identity; it's a record-keeping necessity.

A Brief History of Art Titles

Surprisingly, titles as we know them today didn't gain prominence until the 19th century. Before that, art often existed without titles, standing solely...

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