πŸš€ Make it! artNXTlevel Challenge

How the Online Art World Has Changed in 15 Years with Alex Farkas of UGallery

Jun 14, 2022

In today's episode, I chat with Alex Farkas about how the online art market has changed in the last 15 years with. Founded by Gallery Director Alex Farkas in 2006, UGallery has developed a loyal following of art collectors, artists, and interior designers in all 50 states and over 50 countries. 

About Alex Farkas

Alex enjoyed a small town childhood in the old mining town of Jerome, Arizona - there were more ghosts than residents and the arts community thrived. It was his mother’s ceramic studio and gallery that first nurtured Alex’s taste in art. He spent his early years carving wood sculptures, exploring abandoned buildings, and avoiding the rattlesnakes and centipedes under every rock.

At the University of Arizona, Alex loved studying art history and sculpture, and he also enrolled in the Entrepreneurship program. It was here he realized he could combine the two worlds of art and business. Graduating in 2006, Alex launched UGallery using his entire savings. After...

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DISRUPTED Artist Feature: Sugery Reveron

Apr 15, 2022

DISRUPTED: An online exhibition in collaboration with WO Foundation exploring aspects of disruption and interference in our everyday life. From social and political unrest, technological innovation, to psychological trauma, we have experienced a disturbance in the way we experience life. Disruptions come when we less expect them and often have a way of awakening new ways of looking at the world. WO Foundation artists were invited to interpret the idea of disruption in their own context and submit to this exhibition artworks that explore this concept.

Art Nxt Level wants to feature some of the talented artists that created meaningful and timely work for this show. Sugery Reveron discusses the unique difficulties of women in art and the how the pandemic allowed her to delve deeper into her art practice in new ways. 

Can you speak a bit about your experience as a female artist? 

Sugery: As a female artist I have felt the struggle of being in a field...

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DISRUPTED Artist Feature: Rosanna Gaddoni

Apr 13, 2022

DISRUPTED: An online exhibition in collaboration with WO Foundation exploring aspects of disruption and interference in our everyday life. From social and political unrest, technological innovation, to psychological trauma, we have experienced a disturbance in the way we experience life. Disruptions come when we less expect them and often have a way of awakening new ways of looking at the world. WO Foundation artists were invited to interpret the idea of disruption in their own context and submit to this exhibition artworks that explore this concept.

Art Nxt Level wants to feature some of the talented artists that created meaningful and timely work for this show. Rosanna Gaddoni shares how the pandemic has effected her life in many ways and what her piece, "Trapped", represents to her. 

Can you speak a bit about your experience as a female artist?

Rosanna: I decided to embrace a commitment in art as an adult and after a corporate career, and I have seen in...

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DISRUPTED Artist Feature: Lee Morrison

Apr 11, 2022

DISRUPTED: An online exhibition in collaboration with WO Foundation exploring aspects of disruption and interference in our everyday life. From social and political unrest, technological innovation, to psychological trauma, we have experienced a disturbance in the way we experience life. Disruptions come when we less expect them and often have a way of awakening new ways of looking at the world. WO Foundation artists were invited to interpret the idea of disruption in their own context and submit to this exhibition artworks that explore this concept.

Art Nxt Level wants to feature some of the talented artists that created meaningful and timely work for this show. Lee Morrison is the artist behind the piece "Against All Odds". In this interview, Lee shares her thoughts on disruption and a piece of what art making has meant to her. 

In context of the show, how would you describe disruption? 

Lee: It’s been an epic event that has challenged us all in terms of our...

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From Your Studio to the World Challenge [Preview]

Apr 10, 2022

You want your art to be seen, appreciated and collected in the physical and online world but you know how difficult it is to get ahead. therefore, you need to join From Your Studio to the World challenge starting the week of April 11. This is your last chance!

Click HERE to register for the challenge.


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From My Studio to Yours: New Artist's Opportunities Live Chat with Sergio

Apr 08, 2022

Join the From Your Studio to the World Challenge

CLICK HERE TO SIGN-UP: https://www.theartistnextlevel.com/studio

Challenge Begins April 11, 2022


In this video I recommend the following resources:

Find great opportunities and tools to organize your art career at @artworkarchive 

Use Augmented Reality technology in your art with @artiviveapp 

Find opportunities for exposure with @visionaryartcollective 

Host online shows and get tools to get market your art with @artplacer.app 

Join a community for women artists who share opportunities for exposure and learning at @wo_foundation 

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On the Next Level: Justin Vasey

Mar 30, 2022

On the Next Level is a series of interviews that features artists of the Art Nxt Level academy. The artists share their stories of how the academy has impacted their careers as well as share the exciting projects they have been working on. These artists have made the most of their experience and have taken their careers to the next level. In this interview, lover of color Justin Vasey gives a glimpse of what's next for his artistic endeavors. 

It’s safe to say that you love color. Your Pantone series is about to reach its one year mark. These small paintings pack a punch of delight and are never boring to look at. Do you plan to continue growing your Pantone series? 

Justin: Thank you, I do plan on painting more Pantone cards just not everyday. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since I started. I am happy I committed to that project. I learned a lot about movement, trusting myself, and color.

The abstracted landscapes from your Reflections series are...

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On the Next Level: Christy De Witt

Mar 20, 2022

On the Next Level is a series of interviews that features artists of the Art Nxt Level academy. The artists share their stories of how the academy has impacted their careers as well as share the exciting projects they have been working on. These artists have made the most of their experience and have taken their careers to the next level. In this interview Christy de Witt shares about her challenges and victories as well as what’s to come in the world of Witty Art.


At the end of 2021 your work was published in "100 Artists, 100 Poets on Katendrecht" by Art Collective Werklicht. Congratulations on this publication! What was your initial reaction of work being accepted and then finally seeing your work in this book? 

Christy: I was thrilled! Firstly, because the original concept was already awesome enough: a window art exhibition during the summer, this enabled many people to see and enjoy all the art and poetry in a coronaproof and safe manner. But then the...

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On the Next Level: Thyra Moore

Feb 01, 2022

On the Next Level is a series of interviews that features artists of the Art Nxt Level academy. The artists share their stories of how the academy has impacted their careers as well as share the exciting projects they have been working on. These artists have made the most of their experience and have taken their careers to the next level.



Today’s featured artist is eccentric abstract painter, Thyra Moore.





The pieces in your upcoming exhibit are very energized. What was the process like creating this series? 



Thyra: To create a new series, I usually have the series name, a color palette, and perhaps even some names for various pieces pre planned. What unifies this series is the energy, movement and dimension. As development of a planned series for this show began, the gallery requested a significant number of large pieces (30” x 40” and larger). With a fixed deadline in place, I needed to adjust my...

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